Blog 7: Movie Review

“…The simple answer is no. Despite being on the cards for some time, the script feels like it was cobbled together over a weekend. One of its main problems is a lack of identity; it spends much of its time ripping off the classic The African Queen, the Indian Jones franchise, as well as The Pirates of the Caribbean, that it struggles with having an original bone in its body.”

I chose to pick the movie “Jungle Cruse” because it’s a type of movie I would’ve watched but after reading this review, I wasn’t eager to watch it anymore. I chose this quote because it really grabbed my attention. The author has a lot of voice in this statement… you can almost feel his anger through the screen! I believe that the author’s main point (thesis) is that this isn’t an original movie and isn’t worth the excitement. In the end the author supports his thesis by saying “It will no doubt serve as perfect promotional material for the theme park ride itself, but as a standalone action film its best to follow the general advice regarding cruises during these difficult times and avoid completely.” He rates this movie a 2/5 and convinced me that the movie is nothing special… it just has The Rock in it!

“Jungle Cruise.” Boom Reviews ¦ Jungle Cruise,

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