Reflection Essay

Abby Lawyer

Steve Dalager

English Comp. 

29 April, 2024

Reflection of English Composition 

English Composition was by far my favorite college class I have taken so far. You may ask why? Well, because I have learned so much in such a short time that will benefit me so much in my career. This semester came with just a few difficulties but mostly pretty easy beneficial assignments. 

In this course we wrote a lot of essays and for each one we got to pick our own topic which was nice. For each essay there were very clear instructions on what needed to be included. Therefore it was very easy for me to come up with a topic for each one because everytime i read the instructions I knew exactly what or who I could write about. Since I was able to pick my own topic I could write forever because there was so much to say about that topic. 

There was one process in particular that did not work for me and that was the tutor conferences. I could not figure out how to do them. I tried to schedule one and it said confirmed then i would get an email that said unable to reach this site. That was the only thing that didn’t work out for me but the videos that were attached to my first drafts were very helpful and helped me big time.

My favorite part of the course was the blogs. It was fun to create my own page and write my own thoughts on different things, especially the blogs that were our own opinions. The blogs were also the easiest part of the course but also helped me learn new things while reading my peers blogs.

Throughout this course I definitely grew as a writer. I made many mistakes and learned from most of them. There are some mistakes I will probably make again but for the most part I feel a lot more confident with my writing. All these things that I have learned in this course will definitely stick with me forever because I took a lot of time to figure out the proper way to fix my mistakes.

In conclusion, I am so glad I took this course and very grateful that I had a great professor that did a great job teaching me a lot of new things. I am so impressed with how much I learned even though it was all online. I am even more impressed that I learned more in this short semester than I ever did in high school english.