Essay 1

How I learned how to become independent. 

As I have gotten older, I’ve learned a lot about myself. One of the biggest things I have learned about myself is that I am very independent and mature for my age. Since I was little, my family has told me that, but now I see it for myself.  Most kids at 18 don’t know what they want to do. which I understand, because it can be scary to think about and can be frustrating and or intimidating for some, but I have known what I wanted to do since I was 15. I have been set on being a dental hygienist.  

There are things that sometimes hold people back from their dreams and goals and to be honest I feel those reasons are due to never having the support of their parents, friends, teachers, etc. I feel fortunate each and every day to have the best support system. My parents are divorced, and both remarried, and I cannot remember a time that the four of them were not there every chance they got to be supportive at every game, function, and every milestone in my life to support me along my journey thus far. It has helped me to stay focused, driven and organized and given me the ability to follow my dreams.  

Throughout my high school years at a small school, I have realized that hard work and dedication will get you to the places you dream of as a child. I am sure throughout my childhood my dreams and goals changed a million and one times, although when you finally know you know and then that dream becomes a goal and a reality. Hard work and dedication teaches us to never give up and work hard for everything we want in this life. There have been many times, as I’m sure many can say, that I have doubted myself and wondered how in the world I am going to juggle school, work, pay my own bills and live on my own. I know it will be ok, because I have become very independent and goal oriented enough to know that it will be hard work, but it will all be worth it. In time this too will be a milestone that I have achieved and conquered. 

 I have many friends that still are so unsure of their paths in life. Some have a lot of the same goals as myself and want to better themselves and their futures, and others tend to do just the opposite. I could have followed others and partied, did drugs, and not cared about my grades, goals or respect of others, but throughout life I knew that was one thing that was never an option.  I wanted to be better for myself. I wanted to prove to myself that I was capable and worth so much more.  

Growing up I was raised with many strong independent women in my life, some that raised children on their own, they owned businesses, they worked two and three jobs and were not afraid by any means of voicing their opinions. As I got older, I learned that it’s ok to be independent and hardworking, but that it was also important to be kind and understanding and to enjoy what I plan on doing with the rest of my life as I know it. I want to work hard yet I want family to be my number one priority and know that there is so much more to life than just work. Becoming a dental hygienist will give me the opportunity to not only work full time, but also the time to spend with my family. Typically, it’s a Monday through Friday job, weekends and holidays off. Great benefits and excellent pay. I want to enjoy this journey and embrace it. Time goes by so quickly, and just like that I’m an adult and heading into this big world to become the independent mature young lady that everyone has always referred to me as. To prove to myself that this life is what I make of it, and I plan to do just that.