Blog 16: Final thoughts.

In my final blog I am going write about this course! I am so glad I took the English Comp class I have learned so much and I am feeling much more confident with starting college this Fall!! I am shocked with how much more I learned in this class than I have throughout all of high school. I now feel confident in writing essays, sentence structure, comma’s, outlines, and much more.

Blog 15: My Nugget

“I am so proud of Max and everything he has accomplished.”

I chose this quote because I really loved writing about him and sharing some of the things that he does on the day to day. When I am struggling with something I love to write about it, only reason I say struggling is because it can sometimes be hard not having him here.

Lawyer, Abby. “What it takes to be a good Marine.” Abby’s site, 25, Apr. 2024,

Blog 14: Peer Nugget

“Now social media has expanded and turned into a problem rather than a solution. Social media was used for people to connect, but instead it is creating isolation that this world has never seen before.”

Tirzah Pavola

I chose this quote because it is so true. Tirzah did a great job explaining how social media has caused many issues in this world. If someone who disagreed with her argument, I think they after reading this may have a different outlook of this argument.


Pavola, Tirzah. “Title.”  Essay 4. English 1106. Lake Superior College. 20 April 2024.

Blog 13: Another Nugget

Its so hard to save money for most people.

We’ve all been there. That moment you wake up and can’t believe how much money you spent last night with your friends. Or when you check your bank account statement and can’t fathom how the numbers got so low. We’re all told time and time again that it’s important to save up for the future, yet our behavior just doesn’t seem to match our future selves.

First off, A majority of the US population saves between 0%-5% of their income every month, which is a pretty big departure from the suggested 15%.

Most of us get our paychecks and immediately spend them, whether it’s on apartment rent, student loan payments, utilities, getting an insurance policy, groceries, or boozy nights out.

Since this behavior is so widespread, and, quite frankly, irresponsible, there’s gotta be an explanation.

Lemonade Blog. “The Science Behind Why It’s So Hard to Save”.’s%20hard%20for%20us%20to%20save%20because%20it’s%20difficult%20for,a%20default%20option%20for%20ourselves. Accessed on April 9, 2024.

Blog 10: Body Image/ Social Media


Gale in Context

While reading this article it reminded me of the food for thought we did for blog 8 about body image. This articles thesis is body image and its affects. In the article it explains how body image is more than just disliking your looks. With poor body image also comes low self esteem, low life satisfaction, and a lack of satisfaction. Poor body image also can cause mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. This article also shows what researchers have said such as, 1 in 10 men have had suicidal thoughts and feelings and 4% have actually hurt themselves because of their body image issues. Body image also leads to eating disorders which causes eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia which makes that person body image even worse and leads to burnouts and injury within the body and not only is this bad for the body it also can impact a persons work and social life.


Gale in Context

This article also reminded me of the food for thought in week 8. The thesis is “Many experts think the increase in men struggling with negative body image is due to the influence of mass media.” This article is strictly taking about men and how they compare themselves to hyper-muscular or lean models they see in action movies and health and fitness magazines. reviews of research have shown that when men are exposed to idealized depictions of appearance in various forms of mass media, they end up feeling worse about their own bodies. Social media only makes these problems worse. Apps like Instagram are full of posts featuring hyper-muscular and lean men and these posts often receive very high numbers of likes and comments. Reviews and evidence shoes that these who see these posts have a worse body image.


Swami, Viren. “Body Image Issues Affect Close to 40% of Men—But Many Don’t Get the Support They Need.” Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2024. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 25 Mar. 2024. Originally published as “Body image issues affect close to 40% of men – but many don’t get the support they need,” The Conversation, 21 Mar. 2022.

Blog 9: Alices Restaurant

This song was definitely difficult to listen to because it is very long and boring but a quote that got my attention was when he said ” They took out the toilet paper so I count put it out the window and slid down” its not an important quote its just kind of funny. I think the writers thesis is that young kids can be rebellious. He supports the thesis by talking about him going to jail and how he would talk to the cops.

Blog 8: Body image

“Certainly the media are setting standards for how girls and boys should look, defining what is beautiful in our culture,” says Mimi Nichter. I chose this quote because it is so true. I think this essay is important because it is bringing realization to body image. I think the writers thesis is that more than half of teenage kids think they are overweight and the author supports that thesis by showing percents of kids that were interviewed.

Blog 7: anyone but you review

“An absolute gem of a rom-com! I can’t help but gush about this film, now firmly nestled in the coveted top 3 of my all-time favorites in the genre.”

I chose this quote because I really want to go see this movie and after seeing this review I definitely will!! This quote from the review makes it very tempting to want to see this movie. I think the thesis is to persuade people to want to see the movie.

Blog 6: Moneyball

“Moneyball talks about the decisions that the main character of the movie faces and how these decisions impact his life.” This quote gets my attention because it makes me interested to see how he is going to face the decisions he comes across. I think this essay is important because it tells a great story about how even if people doubt you and don’t believe in the choices you make does not mean you can’t be successful. I love this movie it is one of my favorites!