Blog #4: Your favorite person

My favorite person in the whole world was my grandma. She passed away in June of 2020. My grandma was my best friend. She had been my best friend for as long as I can remember. She was the cutest little lady ever. She was only about 5 foot, with blondish hair, big piercing blue eyes, and the softest skin. My grandma was the kindest person anyone would have ever met. She loved everyone no matter their race, gender, sexuality, religion etc… She was the sweetest. She LOVED to cook. Anyone she ever had over she would cook for them. She just loved to provide for people. Making people happy was what made her happy, its what kept her going after so many years. No matter what she always took care of the people she loved, through thick and thin. I love my grandma for millions of reasons (it would take me days to write out all the stuff I love about her) but the main things I love are how she never stopped believing in me, even when no one else in my life believed in me. There were many times that I did things that she could have easily stopped believing in me but nothing stopped her. Another thing I love about her is how much she listened. She didn’t just nod and act like she was engaging, she would always engage and seem interested in anything I was saying. She always made me laugh. I’m telling you she was the funniest person I had ever met.

I always looked forward to seeing her. For the majority of my life when I was younger I lived with her and she would always wait at the bus for me to get home and she would always be there with a big smile on her face. No matter what I always looked forward to seeing her, even as the years went on. She made me feel so good with the amount of good energy she had. There was a lot of bad things happening in my life when I was younger and whenever I was with her I forgot about all of it and spend that quality time with her. Whenever bad things were happening she would do everything she could to distract me from it, she never failed in doing that. She made me feel safe, secure and loved.

My grandma was an alcoholic, she had been for so many years. Throughout my whole childhood she was but she was so good at hiding it from everyone. 7ish years ago was when it started to get really bad. She got divorced from her second husband, she moved into a new house and fell into a depressive lifestyle. She drank every single day. Sun up to sun down. But even through all of that she still managed to be that same grandma I had always remembered. It killed me watching her kill herself. Everyday there was less and less of her. Loosing her was the hardest thing I had ever been through.

My grandma died on June 5th, 2020. She’s still my best friend and will live in my heart forever.

I miss you everyday grandma.

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