Gunnar Hudson Movie Review.

Accepted is a movie about a misfit Highschool graduate that was rejected by every college he applied for. Bartleby Gaines (Justin Long) Is the main character and in this film, he is desperate to not disappoint his parents. So, after being rejected from every college Bartleby decides to hire his best friend Sherman Shrader (Jonah Hill) to make him a fake website and acceptance letter for Bartleby’s father, from Harmon Institute of Technology. The beginning was a good setup a disappointed parent a kid that couldn’t make it to college so his best friend who made it to a great school made a fake one for him.When figuring out his dad was dropping him off on his first day, he needs to find a building but also, he needs to find a dean. Luckily, Bartleby best friend Sherman knew just the guy for the job. Sherman made a huge mistake when making the website online that would cause serious problems later. Bartleby’s fake school and website with one hundred percent acceptance rate raked in a lot of money from desperate parents let’s just say. In moments like this telling the truth can be hard but not very easy.This movie shows how bad decisions can hurt more than just you because Bartleby in this film involved his nerdy best friend in an unrealistic crime. Bartleby also stole money from many parents, including his own, and it all started with a lie. That lie could have been stopped, the people around Bartleby were telling him that it was a bad idea. Bartleby wanted his parents to be proud because his parents thought very highly about going to a good college.The other schools around them started getting word of this new sister school of Harmon. called Harmon Institute of Technology but they knew it wasn’t the sister school. So, hearing about this the real Harmon school turns them in. All the parents show up that spent money for this and Bartleby’s parents as well. In that moment all his lies have caught up to him, but Bartleby feels he found something real and decides to take it to the school administrators to pass it as a real school.In the end of this very unrealistic film the administration passes it, and Bartleby ends up making his parents proud. Maybe this movie shows that if we have something worth fighting for even if some mistakes were made you should go for it. But lying is never good when we lie it usually makes its way out in Bartleby’s case it did. We should always try to tell the truth, but we all lie, maybe it will lead to something greater. But in real life with the circumstances that happened in this movie he would have been sent to prison for a long time so chose your lying wisely. Overall, I recommend this movie especially to college students.“The acronym for the school is S.H.I.T South Harmon Institute of Technology” The Made-up school is Full of misfits. All of them are known to be shitheads but in all honesty, they just weren’t the norm. But by being themselves they made something real. But the lies hurt His friends, family and others involved. Only lie if the lies for a solid reason like making your own school.Can’t get into college? Don’t stress. Just make one up with your friends. (