Essay one third draft

Gunnar Hudson 

English 1106 

Section 1 


About Yourself 

When I first moved to Hermantown straight out of high school with my mother, I was furious because I did not want parental control, vision, or just her worrying about me all the time. When I turned eighteen, I thought everything would fall into place. Little did I know waiting and staying with my parents would have saved me money, debt, and other life problems I just was not ready for. My older brother moved out when he was not financially ready or just mentally and he raked up a lot of Debt and shot his credit. Looking back when he moved back with us, he looked me in the eyes and said, “you are not ready to be on your own.” Growing up he never made good decisions, so I did not really listen to him too much it runs in the family. 

I remember dreaming about all the places I wanted to pack up and just leave without looking back. It was hard to do when I had no money or even a car at the time. But I had a few close friends, not very honest people or trustworthy those go hand in hand, I guess. I am not sure why I was even considering moving with them honestly, I was just young and trusted everyone and they had their own vehicles, so we planned out everything like kids at that age do wanting to be their own authority. It never made it past that bedroom, which I am sure all three of us are good with how that worked out. 

After all the plans were falling through, I quit thinking about it but then all my friends started moving out with other friends or college dorms. Everyone was telling me how great living on their own was so, the desire to move out slowly started coming back. I started thinking about places like California, Hawaii, Porta Rico crazy places to be honest especially since I do not know anyone in those places. I learned that I could make some concerning decisions on a last-minute thought. 

That summer I graduated at eighteen I moved to Florida was not on my list but found cheaper places there. When I first moved there it was all good, I was going to work, doing dishes, laundry, everything an adult needed to do. Then it got lonely, my family was across America all I was doing was working a bunch to make rent, insurance, phone bill so many flipping bills it started adding up especially since I hated what I was doing. I was doing carpenter work like sheet rocking, insulating, and everything to do with houses. I had an epiphany that I cannot work like a dog just to make it by, so I went back to college. 

Moving to Florida was a broad experience, it taught me so much about myself like for instance the kind of work I do not want in my life. But in that year, I learned how to pretty much assemble a whole house that is something I will not forget or regret learning. Everyone knows this but life is just a long learning process, never ending. But before moving out we should be ready and know the bills show up every month and no one is going to keep your place clean, dishes, clothes, bathroom, we will have to jungle all of it. Also, be okay with the job we chose so we show up every day.