Blog 7

” I’m going to be the Jesus of Marval” Was a quote from the new movie coming out this year Dead Pool vs Wolverine. I picked this quote because it’s so Dead pool to say something like that. The writer’s thesis was basically just saying this movie will be goofy because its Dead Pool. The writer supports this by mentioning it many times in his article.

Blog 6

“Like college students, Moana is on a path of self-discovery and trying to find where she fits in.” I chose this essay and more specifically this quote because the truth to it. We are all just figuring out who we are at the moment. I think the thesis is finding our purpose in this life we all living. The writer supported the thesis with parts of the movie were Moana had to find her-self.

Blog 5

“There is a dangerous attitude among college students today that good or passing grades do not actually have to be earned if one is adept at pleading or getting extra credit.” I chose this quate because I’ve seen this happen in real life many times in high school. I think the thesis is that people don’t think their grade is earned anymore. The writer points out in his/her time, when they got bad grades, they might groan and moan but that was it. Nowadays people beg and don’t think they deserve it because how they feel.