Blog 12

I’ve been doing research on Boxing and the link to CTE. 20% of boxers get CTE so for every 10 boxers two should have it. most boxers don’t ever get checked as well. Hard sparring should be avoided at all costs we only got one brain. One concussion can have serious problems in the future or maybe deadly.

Blog 10


Gal says taking vaccinations are good and scientist are always getting better and better. Gal says that the covid pandemic has made people less interested in taking the vaccine or any other vaccine. And because that less kids as well, she claims they must test, use the vaccine, and run even more test than those. Gal also says we should trust our leaders and the science they have conducted.


The first point the Author made was that it’s our 14th amendment with says that citizens cannot be forced by the government to take their shots. Another point was for religious points and exemptions that most states offer. The author also pointed out if we let them force us to take a vaccine what will be next. The author basically said you can’t force people because not everyone can or will do to religious proposes and the ones who like to have a say what goes in their body and children’s.

Vaccines.” Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2024. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.

Blog 11 – This article was about men and their body dysmorphia. This article lets you know with scientific evidence that many men that get into fitness, especially the ages 18-46 struggle with body image. There is no cure physically because it’s a mental battle. People may be prescribed pharmaceutical drugs but that only mask. But the article says it can be life threating in severe cases so a doctor would be good if it’s really bad. Family history of it is very likely you might have some similar problems as well.

Blog 9

“We reach out to attractive things.” I chose this quote because as people we like attractive things. The writer’s thesis is that we as people like beautiful things. Even philosophers, mathematicians and artists work to make their stuff look good. Are brains can’t help but to gravitate towards attractive things like nature, people, paintings.

Blog 8

“Just walk on by” was talking about how people feel about walking past people and their comfortability. Because the color of their skin or where they grew up people might not feel comfortable walking past you especially if they had bad experiences before.

Blog 7

” I’m going to be the Jesus of Marval” Was a quote from the new movie coming out this year Dead Pool vs Wolverine. I picked this quote because it’s so Dead pool to say something like that. The writer’s thesis was basically just saying this movie will be goofy because its Dead Pool. The writer supports this by mentioning it many times in his article.

Blog 6

“Like college students, Moana is on a path of self-discovery and trying to find where she fits in.” I chose this essay and more specifically this quote because the truth to it. We are all just figuring out who we are at the moment. I think the thesis is finding our purpose in this life we all living. The writer supported the thesis with parts of the movie were Moana had to find her-self.

Blog 5

“There is a dangerous attitude among college students today that good or passing grades do not actually have to be earned if one is adept at pleading or getting extra credit.” I chose this quate because I’ve seen this happen in real life many times in high school. I think the thesis is that people don’t think their grade is earned anymore. The writer points out in his/her time, when they got bad grades, they might groan and moan but that was it. Nowadays people beg and don’t think they deserve it because how they feel.

Blog 4

” Being beaten and shot in the head.” Pretty self-explanatory why this caught my attention. I can’t believe someone would shoot a dog that’s crazy. shows how cruel people are especially when they know you fully rely on them. Its good the puppy got to get a home of people that love him lots. I think the thesis is about the rescue dog’s life and the ups and downs before permanent home.