Blog 15: My Nugget

“There is just something about getting somewhere by my own sheer willpower that has intrigued me.”

I really like this quote that I wrote way back at the beginning of this semester. It ties the story together and the wording, in my opinion, is superb. It also shows what type of a person I am. I would rather paddle, hike, or bike somewhere than ride in a car. Reaching the destination is so much more rewarding when you know that you were the only source of power.

Wold, Alex. “Chaos and Calm.” Lake Superior College, 9 September 2022.

Blog 16: Writing

Dear Class,

As this semester comes to a close I am reminded once more that I do enjoy writing. I find this to be a very common occurrence once I have completed a class that involves a fair amount of writing. It is a very enjoyable experience and I would recommend writing to anyone and everyone. Writing is like an old friend that you can always rely on during difficult times, whether you were just broken up with, feeling lonely, or experiencing any hardship you can imagine, writing never fails to be there. Writing allows you to express yourself in ways that you didn’t think were possible, or explore undiscovered areas in stories you may write.

I love writing.



Blog 14

“Yes, there many cases where women are stronger than men, but when looking at the broader picture men are almost always stronger than women. The facts are clear, men will always be men and women will always be women.”

I really like this quote because it sums up the idea of his fantastic essay in just a couple of sentences. I believe that this is true, it is super unfair to female athletes when a transgender women comes in and competes. We shouldn’t allow these people to compete in women’s sports otherwise we might lose some great female athletes. The only solution that I can see is if we merge the two together. Rather than having Women’s and Mens hockey, we can just have Hockey. Obviously, this would take away a lot of opportunity from many great athletes.

Krych, Noah. “Transgender Athletes.” Essay. ENGL 1106. Lake Superior College. 14 November 2022.

Blog 12: A Nugget

In some of my research about Winter being better than summer, I found that cold weather can improve brain function. This bit of information really caught my eye because I didn’t know that cold weather would improve that. From my logic a brain could be similar to a car just about one million times more complex, but a cars engine sometimes won’t start when it’s cold so I thought that this could be similar to the brain. Turns out I was wrong and this research has really helped me.

“What Is the Impact of Cold Weather on Cognitive Function by Age?” Better Aging, 23 Feb. 2020, 

Voting Experience

I happened to find myself at my local polling place on this fine Tuesday, November 8. My first time voting experience was nothing short of life changing. To start, I hitched a ride with this old guy I call my father down to our polling place. I hadn’t registered beforehand so I had to go to the table for new registrants and filled out some paperwork and handed them my Drivers License. This experience really opened my eyes on a whole new aspect of life. I could only think that my opinion finally mattered and it brought me great joy. Anyways, back on to our story, I then received a little slip that I had to take over to another table where I was given a ballot. I sat down at a table with little blockers up on each side and I filled out my ballot. After I completed filling out said ballot, I waltzed on over to this sweet little machine and I fed my completed ballot into the little devil. It took it happily and I collected my sticker and went on my way. This experience changed who I was as a human and I can’t wait to vote in the next election.

Blog 10: Database Article

Database Access via the Harold P. Erickson Library, 

The article I read related to the Why We Love Beautiful Things article in the food for thought from week 9 and was titled Children Perceive Beautiful People to Own Better Material Things. This paper was from a psychology case where they observed children seen as attractive and children viewed as unattractive. The “attractive” children were perceived as having more expensive material objects when compared to the “less attractive” children. This article directly related to the findings of the other article Why We Love Beautiful Things where they stated that we are more attracted and relaxed by objects or landscapes that are categorized as beautiful. I found both of these articles to be very interesting and I would encourage anyone who might be interested in psychology to read them.

Blog 9: Why We Love Beautiful Things

“It should come as no surprise that good design, often in very subtle ways, can have such dramatic effects.” This quote really caught my eye because of all the questions that come up when I read it. I wonder why our brains love images so much and why a simple landscape can reduce stress by 60%.

I think the writers thesis is to explain why our brain loves beautiful things in a way that a regular person would be able to understand. The author does a fantastic job of this and I had a really easy time understanding the point that they were trying to get across. “But if every designer understood more about the mathematics of attraction, the mechanics of affection, all design — from houses to cellphones to offices and cars — could both look good and be good for you.” This quote really supports the thesis well because it wraps up the essay in a really good way.

Blog 8: Just Walk

“I whistle melodies from Beethoven and Vivaldi and the more popular classical composers.” I find this quote very interesting because this type of music tends to relax people and obviously makes them feel better about someone walking by them. I think this quote really ties into the essay well because it shows how someone might have to change what they do due to other people.

I think the writers thesis here is that some women in America still are afraid of African American males because of stereotypes in society. This is obviously wrong and I think we should work on not judging people based on how they look. It’s just the classic “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. There are smart people in all races and we need to recognize and not have any bias towards one or another.

Blog 7: Avatar

“James Cameron’s Avatar is the most entertaining and enthralling cinematic experiences of my life.” This quote really stuck with me because it describes the film really well. Any person who has seen this movie in the theaters, which has just been rereleased, would likely agree with it. The author of this review does a fantastic job of making you want to go see the movie.

The writers thesis is strictly about how James Cameron did such a fantastic job making this film. He gives fantastic descriptions of why he thinks the film is so good, and makes it easy to understand and read. “James Cameron has come back home ladies and gentlemen Cameron is back, bigger, badder, and mature in his crowning work of his career.”

“Avatar.” IMDb,, 

Blog 6: Moana

“It will encourage anyone to go after their dreams and face the obstacles that stop them from finding their own inner call.” I really like how this quote sums up the review and might make college students go watch the movie in order to find some motivation.

The writers thesis in this review is that Moana can relate to college life because of its ability to show a character finding themselves outside of the cultural (or social) norms of college society. They explain this thesis all through out the review but my the one that describes it best is here- “Moana is evidence that even an animated film can be inspirational and resonate with those who are on a similar path of searching for their meaning in life”. This is a very well written review and gives a fantastic overview of the movie.