Blog 11: Opposing Positions

I chose to write about the opposing arguments about working remotely, as I have been working remotely myself for the past 4 years. I have experienced both positive and negative things from working from home, so I thought this would be an interesting topic. 

The first article I read was “Point: Remote Work Should Be the Primary Mode of Working Long Term”, which argued that employees working from home benefited in multiple ways. The thesis of this article was that employees are better rested due to not having to wake up early to get ready, save money due to not needing to commute to work, better manage their health and fitness, and improve their job satisfaction. 

It explained that by removing the commute from the work equation, people would be able to sleep in a bit longer and save money on gas and vehicle repairs.  

Not only do employees benefit from remote work, but employers as well. The article states that it “helps to reduce the costs associated with maintaining office space for a company’s workforce” as the need for office space would be cut down.  

The article titled “Counterpoint: Remote Work Presents Too Many Challenges to Be Sustainable” argues that remote work can be disastrous. This thesis points out that employees working remotely would produce low productivity, that working from home can cause security risks, and cause poor communication.  

The counterpoint article points out that people would become less productive as the line between work and home would blur. It quoted journalist Charlie Warzel who commented “No commute didn’t mean a leisurely morning walk or exercise; it meant waking up, grabbing my phone in bed and punching the clock.” when he was asked about working from home and beginning to experience burn out.  

The article also warns about the high risk of security breaches, stating that workers’ poor security practices, especially where PII (personally identifiable information) is handled, could mean a larger issue. 

“Counterpoint: Remote Work Presents Too Many Challenges to Be Sustainable.” Points of View: Working Remotely, Aug. 2023, pp. 1–3. EBSCOhost, 

“Point: Remote Work Should Be the Primary Mode of Work Long Term.” Points of View: Working Remotely, Aug. 2023, pp. 1–3. EBSCOhost, 

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