Blog 6 “Moana”

 “Moana is on a path of self-discovery and trying to find where she fits in.” This quote is important to the essay because it starts to show how this movie is related to college students and how really alike this movie is to those moving to college. Moana is trying to find herself, just like […]

Blog 5 “Truth or Grade”

“Just like Mars Candies keeps coming up with new varieties of M&M’s, there are countless varieties of students.” I chose this quote because it made me think about all the different types of M&M’s there are and how many different types of students there are. This quote is important to the Essay because it really sets up the rest […]

Blog 4 “Your Peers Narratives”

“That day I understood that I needed to start putting myself and my feelings first for a change.” I chose this quote because it is one of the quotes or sayings I live my life by. It is so true and if you don’t put yourself before others, what good are you doing for others, […]

Blog 3 “Dishing Dirt”

” I return to my sullen existence, made even more unbearable each afternoon.” I chose this quote because this shows that she was so caught up in the gossip and once it wore of she really didn’t have any friends. I think her thesis of this narrative shows that we are no better than someone else. […]

Blog 2 “Lee and Me”

“Phy Ed. classes, to this day, sort of remind me of concentration camps.” I chose this quote because it really stood out to me. I think lots of children are traumatized by Phy Ed. classes in a way. I think this is important in the story because it shows that the author was very traumatized by […]