Blog 2 “Lee and Me”

“Phy Ed. classes, to this day, sort of remind me of concentration camps.”

I chose this quote because it really stood out to me. I think lots of children are traumatized by Phy Ed. classes in a way. I think this is important in the story because it shows that the author was very traumatized by the events that happened in his Phy Ed. classes. I think that the writer’s thesis or point of the story is Stand up for yourself no matter what.

2 Responses

  1. hailey.pooler says:

    I agree with this. I understand why the schools require phy ed, to make kids more active. But at the same time, I know that a lot of people have high anxiety and it can be mentally difficult to have to work out and change in front of their peers. I 100% feel that phy ed should be optional.

  2. liam.bruce says:

    We also believe that phy ed should be optional. The only real reason p.e. was made mandatory was to make US citizens more ready for war. As can be found in this article:

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