Blog 16 “Food for Thought”

In this post, we can write about anything. But I don’t really know what to write about so, I’ll write about my dog. We first adopted her since she was 2. She was my and my brother’s early Christmas gift. She’s an angel sent down from heaven above. I was 6 and my brother was 3 when we got Kasey. She’s been with us our whole lives and she’s still kicking. She plays around with our other dogs like she’s a puppy again. I’m scared for her to leave us and go to puppy heaven because I actually don’t remember life without her. She’ll comfort you when you’re sad, or she’ll run up to you and jump because she’s so happy you’re home. She also loves belly rubs and new people. She’ll ask for a belly rub from whoever will give it to her. She also loves babies. She’ll go up to the person holding the baby and she’ll want to sniff the babies head. After she does that, She’ll go wherever the baby goes. The hardest thing about going to college was leaving her, but now when I go home she’s so exited and happy to see me. I’m convinced that this point that she’s invincible and will never die. Which is a good thing.

2 Responses

  1. hailey.pooler says:

    Awww I love this! I got my dog as a rescue about 10 years ago and the vet estimated he was about 8 at the time, but I don’t think that was accurate lol. He is still just as puppy like as the day we adopted him, just a little slower getting up in the morning now. Dogs are such a blessing. I’m convinced god personally creates every dog and puts their loving hearts in just like a build a bear.

  2. liam.bruce says:

    Kasey sounds like a wonderful dog, may she live to be very old and happy with such a loving family. 🙂

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