Blog 15 “My Nugget”

“Many times society sees body image issues as only for women when in reality, anyone can have it. Men see other men in magazines, movies, tv shows, etc and think to themselves the same thing a woman would.”

I chose this quote because it was very powerful in my eyes. Talking about how men can have difficultly with their body image shouldn’t be something we shame them for. Men are human too and they have body image issues just like women would. It’s important to talk about these issues so they know they aren’t alone and other people struggle as well.

Gramley, Alexis. “Blog 10 Body Image and Men.” Lake Superior College, 6 July 2022,

5 Responses

  1. laura.hecht says:

    I think this nugget is an important quote people should know. Sometimes men can be known for not showing emotions and to hide them or “man up.” I think this quote shows that men have feels no matter what peoples thoughts about men are, they still have emotions and feels like everyone else.

  2. christopher.burney says:

    its true, i wish i had a body like lebron james.

  3. winter.dewey says:

    I think it is harder to recognize that a man would have body image issues because they do not express their feelings the same way a women would. Women are very expressive with their emotions most of the time but men like to hold it in.

  4. cole.manahan says:

    I agree I know friends of mine who don’t go swimming just because they were called fat in high school.

  5. liam.bruce says:

    It’s a little odd once you think about it, any body type that isn’t showcased in media as “manly” is over-looked, shunned, or hidden. There are many body types that exist but we never really “see.” The same can be said for women as well.

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