Blog 16: Final Thoughts

Boy did this semester really take me out. I am quite excited for this semester to be over with (especially my anatomy 2 class which caused me to play catch up on a couple assignments in this class). Between class, studying, work, friends, and family I have been quite stressed the past few months. Although […]

Blog 15: My Nugget

 “You shouldn’t exhaust yourself to make the miserable people happy, they will just keep being miserable.” I knew immediately I wanted to choose a quote from this specific blog post for my nugget. This is because I remember many people quoting me on flashcards from this blog post. I think what I wrote on this […]

Blog 14: Peer Nugget

“From humble beginnings to notable achievements, his journey exemplifies the profound impact of design on shaping both individual lives and communal aesthetics.” I’m sure a could find multiple quotes from Matt, but here is one I found from his essay 3 draft that he shared with me. Over the past semester it has been wonderful […]

Blog 13: Another Nugget

 “It is not surprising young men may attempt to overcome related psychological distress with strategies to enhance their body and appearance. Young men are increasingly engaging in muscle‐building behaviours such as extreme exercising and dieting, supplement use, and performance and image enhancing drug (PIED) use (Dunn & White, 2011; Sagoe et al., 2014).” Throughout my research this article, and specifically this […]

Blog 12: A Nugget

“A person’s body image can change over time, affected by popularized beauty standards, family environment, peer influence, images in the media, personal experiences, and medical conditions. In the twenty-first century, psychologists have expressed concern regarding the effects of widespread social media adoption on users’ body image.” While researching for a topic I came across body image. Although this is a topic […]

Blog 11: Food For Thought

Works Cited: Araya-Castillo, Luis, et al. “Procrastination in University Students: A Proposal of a Theoretical Model.” Behavioral Sciences (2076-328X), vol. 13, no. 2, Feb. 2023, p. 128. EBSCOhost, The essay that I chose to write this blog about is “The Truth about M&Ms” that we read in week 5. It took me awhile to find an […]

Blog 10: Opposing Viewpoints

For my topic I chose to talk about whether or not screentime, for children specifically, is troublesome or beneficial. I automatically assumed that many people would think it’s all bad. But, I was pleasantly surprised to see that many people find benefits with screentime. The first article I’ll be discussing is more so arguing to […]

Blog 9: Why We Love Beautiful Things

 “Instinctively, we reach out for attractive things; beauty literally moves us.” This quote stuck out to me in this passage because it’s very true. Although it is true, everyone’s perception of what they find beautiful varies greatly. I believe the quote I chose is the thesis statement as well because the author talks about how […]

Blog 8 : Just Walk On By

“After a few more quick glimpses, she picked up her pace and wassoon running in earnest.” While reading this passage I could think of multiple times I was walking at night and even during the day when I’ve felt unsafe. I chose this quote because I know exactly how it feels to have someone walking […]

Blog 7: Movie Review

“However politically sharp, the gag is an unpleasant reminder of all the profoundly unfunny ways in which this world, with its visible and invisible hands, tries to control women, putting them into little boxes.” Surprisingly enough, I still have not seen the movie Barbie. But when given this blog prompt Barbie is the first movie […]