Blog 6: Moana

“Like college students, Moana is on a path of self-discovery and trying to find where she fits in.”- Brits Blog.

I chose this quote because it made me realize that college students are like Moana. They’re both trying to find where they want to be and how they want to live their life. I think the writers thesis is, “It will encourage anyone to go after their dreams and face the obstacles that stop them from finding their own inner call.”- Brits Blog. The writer also says, “… instead she relies on her own inner strength as motivation.”

Blog 5: Truth

“Their only interest is getting the credit…”

I chose this quote because the author is showing how some students view their work. Some people know that they’re good enough to pass or get a good grade, but if those students put in their time and effort, they could have had an even better grade. Never feel satisfied. Always be hungry for more or for better. The writer’s thesis is telling people to take classes not just to get the credit but to learn something and get better at it. “Rarely would she consider actually rewriting any part of it…” This quote shows how the student is only giving enough effort to get credit.

Blog 4: Narratives

“We put aside our selfishness and chose to set him free.” I chose this quote from Casey Fogelberg’s essay because it made me think about how hard it is to make decisions. Should you decide on what you want or what the right choice should be. It’s important to show that unexpected things happen in life and you should enjoy every day because you don’t know what can happen next. The thesis is to enjoy life and be ready for different things to happen.

Blog 3: Dishing Dirt

“She looks real- not disgusting or corrupted.”

I chose this quote because it shows that rumors aren’t always true. It seemed as if the girl was going to be a bad person, but when she meets the girl she is rumoring about, she is not disgusting. She seems like a normal girl, not a bad girl like she heard about. I think the author’s point is to show not to trust everything you hear.

Blog 2: Lee

“Somehow, the people at the top never had to worry; people at the bottom regularly did each other in.”-Steve Dalager.
I chose this quote because made me realize that people worry too much about their social status. The people that think they are lower will try to gain popularity but they can only try to lower other lower status people . This essay is important because it shows that there is no point in fighting for popularity. To me I think that the reason of this essay is to show people that you don’t have to gain popularity. Popularity isn’t everything and after middle/high School popularity doesn’t matter. Just be yourself and don’t worry about what others think about you. Their opinions don’t matter.

True and Notso

My two front teeth are fake/dead. My left died by getting hit by a baseball. My right was hit multiple times with different things chipping it in half. My favorite food is pizza. Cheesy sausage pizza is the best.