My Mom’s New Task

Baseball has always been my favorite sport to play. I have been playing baseball my entire life. My mom and dad went to every game. They both wanted the best for me, and they would do anything for me. My mom had to learn how to drive us everywhere because my dad passed, she had to bring us to our games, and because she cared about us. 

When I was fourteen, I started playing travel baseball. My dad would drive us to every game. We would travel to games in the cities and Wisconsin. Unfortunately, my dad passed away that fall, and the next year my mom would have to drive us to every game. My mom was not comfortable driving in big cities, and her eyes were not the best at seeing in the dark. So, it would be hard for her to drive us to every game. The games were in different states like North Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri for the next three years. My mom knew it would be hard, but she had to do it for her kids. In my interview with her, she said,” I’ll say the biggest accomplishment that I’ve had in the past three years is learning to drive in bigger cities without dad, and something that helped with the success of that was having to do it to get you guys to your games.” 

Driving to games in Minneapolis was easy until we got into the city. My mom was not used to driving on the windy, fast-paced roads. She was weaving through lanes to find the right exit to turn onto. She would use maps on her phone, but Siri did not help too much. Siri would sometimes be too late to tell her to turn. After a while, though, my mom got more comfortable driving. At first, she could not go as far, like when we drove to Illinois, we stopped in Iowa. We got a hotel in Waterloo, stayed the night, and then drove the next two hours in the morning to get to Davenport. Now my mom can drive further in one day, like when she drove to St. Louis, Missouri. One day to drive twelve hours just for us to play baseball. She would drive the whole twelve hours back as well with only stopping for gas, a bathroom, and food. Although she would get sleepy while driving, she would not stop until we got home.  

My mom still comes to every single one of my games. She went to all my baseball, basketball, and football games no matter where I played them. It makes me happy to know that she will do anything to watch me play my sports. I know she is proud of me, and that also makes me happy. I am proud of her for what she has done. She has done so much for her kids without much help. She does a lot more than just drive us to games. She does everything for us. All by herself, she is taking care of her kids. I am so proud of her for that. She really is the best mother ever.  

My mom had to learn how to drive in big cities because my dad passed away, she had to get us to our games, and because she wanted the best for her children. She did it all for us because she wants the best for all her children. She did it to make us happy. She is proud of us, and we are proud of her.  

Works Cited 

Bennett, Tammy. Personal interview. 23 October 2021