Blog 14: Peer Nugget

“However, other students believe that schools shouldn’t offer physical education classes because bullying happens during PE, and some students prefer focusing on their academic interests rather than wasting their time at PE”(Kuklinski). I chose this because it blew my mind that students bully during gym class. I have seen bullying during recess but never during gym class.

Kuklinski, Avery. “Should Physical Education be Offered in School?” Essay. Engl 1106. Lake Superior College. 19 November 2021.

5 thoughts on “Blog 14: Peer Nugget”

  1. I myself experienced bullying during gym class when I was in high school, so it does exist. I’m not sure if it’s wide spread or not. Teenage boys can be cruel! However, I believe that P.E. Class is beneficial for teenagers and should never cease to be offered to high school students.

  2. Bullying seems to happen everywhere in schools these days. I can say I experienced some minor bullying in gym class in high school but the teacher handled it well and stopped it immediately. I was not a fan of gym class but I do think it is a good thing since students are less active now.

  3. Although I was not a huge fan of PE classes, I think it is important to have some type of exercise throughout the day to take a break from school work.

  4. Earlier you read my essay, “Lee and Me,” which was about bullying in gym class. I think exercise is important for kids, so I don’t know that we need to stop offering the class, but we need to rethink how it works so that the ways kids interact changes.

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