Blog 7: The Rescue

“Panic is death in the cave”- Hillary Butler. I chose this quote because It made me realize how dangerous and scary the job was. They were swimming in the pitch-black through tight spaces. That would be very hard and scary. It shows how the divers were really trying to save the kids. The thesis is, “It’s about our collective humanity, and what can happen when we all work together.”

Butler, Hillary. “TIFF 2021 Review: The Rescue – ‘It’s about Our Collective Humanity, and What Can Happen When We All Work Together.’” Live for Films, 2021,

4 thoughts on “Blog 7: The Rescue”

  1. I would be terrified in that situation. I am not someone who can handle tight areas at all. Big kudos to anyone who can handle that situation.

  2. Even just reading the description of swimming through tight, black spaces makes me scared. It is impressive that the divers would do this to save the kids. This seems like a movie that would definitely give a ‘work and stick together to achieve goals’ message.

  3. This sounds like an interesting movie to watch. I really dislike small tight places and get really claustrophobic easily. Crazy the dedication the divers had to save the kids and not worry about themselves.

  4. Wow! That sounds like a really scary experience but also like a good movie. I will have to watch it someday.

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