Blog 16

I started on my varsity baseball team when I was in 8th grade. That year we went to state, and I pitched in the 3rd place game. My coach definitely trusted me because he pitched me in some of the most important games of the year. That was also the first year our baseball team went to state. Then the next year, I was a freshman, and we went to state again, back to back. But then, the next year, my sophomore year, Covid canceled the season. It sucked because that team was very good, and we were confident about going to the state championship that year. My junior year came, and we went to state again. We won the section championship 14-0. What could have been four years back to back was just 3. I’m not complaining, but it would have been sick to go four years in a row. Now it is my senior year, and I hope to go to state again and make it four years of going to state. No matter what, my high school baseball journey has been fun.

Blog 15: My Nugget

“They’re both trying to find where they want to be and how they want to live their life”(Bennett). I wrote this quote In Blog 6: Moana. I chose this quote because it made me realize that movie characters can relate to college students. Moana and college students relate because they’re both trying to find their path in life.

Bennett, Aaron. Aaron’s Blog, 2021, Accessed 28 Sep. 2021.

Blog 14: Peer Nugget

“However, other students believe that schools shouldn’t offer physical education classes because bullying happens during PE, and some students prefer focusing on their academic interests rather than wasting their time at PE”(Kuklinski). I chose this because it blew my mind that students bully during gym class. I have seen bullying during recess but never during gym class.

Kuklinski, Avery. “Should Physical Education be Offered in School?” Essay. Engl 1106. Lake Superior College. 19 November 2021.

Blog 13: Another Nugget

“Steroids help aging men build muscle mass and speed the healing of injured muscles” (Carl Hall). I found this quote when i was researching about steroids. I did not know that steroids helped heal injured muscles. I knew that they helped build muscle mass though. Steroids are not always a bad drug. Sometimes they can be good for the body.

Hall, Carl T. “Steroids Can Provide Medical Benefits.” Steroids, edited by Laura K. Egendorf, Greenhaven Press, 2006. At Issue. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 15 Nov. 2021. Originally published as “Steroids, Though Dangerous, Do Have Redeeming Qualities,” San Francisco Chronicle, 27 Dec. 2004.

Blog 12: Nugget

“Steroid use causes cancer and strokes, stunts bone growth, affects the reproductive system, and leads to depression and aggression” (Doug West). This is significant because it shows the negative Impacts of taking steroids.

West, Doug. “Steroids Are Harmful.” Steroids, edited by Laura K. Egendorf, Greenhaven Press, 2006. At Issue. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 11 Nov. 2021. Originally published as “Steroid Abuse—Getting Bigger,” Youthculture@today, 2002, pp. 20-24.

Blog 11: Steroids

“Although steroids are widely considered to be an unfair way for athletes to boost their performance, these drugs do have legitimate medical purposes”(Carl T. Hall). This is the thesis for the article about why steroids can be good. Steroids help aging men build muscle and speed up the healing of injured muscles. Doctors say they have good uses if used wisely. “But in older men, with lower levels of testosterone, replacement therapy with this class of hormones is probably going to be beneficial” (Baxter). Steroids can also help muscles heal.

“However, these drugs have many serious physical and psychological consequences”(Doug West). This is the thesis of this article. This article shows why steroid use is bad and not good for the body. Steroids are used all the time in professional sports even though they are illegal. Steroid abuse can cause heart attacks, strokes, liver cancer, “roid rage”, and depression. “The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that heart attacks, strokes and liver cancer are the more serious life-threatening effects of steroid abuse” (West).

Works Cited

Hall, Carl T. “Steroids Can Provide Medical Benefits.” Steroids, edited by Laura K. Egendorf, Greenhaven Press, 2006. At Issue. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 3 Nov. 2021. Originally published as “Steroids, Though Dangerous, Do Have Redeeming Qualities,” San Francisco Chronicle, 27 Dec. 2004.

West, Doug. “Steroids Are Harmful.” Steroids, edited by Laura K. Egendorf, Greenhaven Press, 2006. At Issue. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 4 Nov. 2021. Originally published as “Steroid Abuse—Getting Bigger,” Youthculture@today, 2002, pp. 20-24.

Blog 10: Global Warming

Gerhart, David. “Climate Is Always Changing — but Not This Fast LOCAL VIEW.” Duluth News Tribune, 5 Apr. 2018, Accessed 25 Oct. 2021.

This article connects to, “Global Warming and the Sun.” Both articles show how the climate is changing and why. There isn’t one reason why it is happening. There are many reasons why. The sun is one big reason but there are other reasons like giant volcanic eruptions and greenhouse gasses. “To return to the present, carbon dioxide has increased more than 40 percent since the industrial revolution, and today warming is occurring about 10 times faster than the average temperature recovery following the ice ages.” This is also destroying the fish population and coral in the oceans. “For example, in 1991, the Philippine volcano Pinatubo ejected nearly 20 million tons of sulfur dioxide gas high into the atmosphere.” The climate keeps warming and that is not good for the environment. People have to do something to stop or slow down the warming.

Blog 9: Sun

“Apparently, sunspots heat the stratosphere, which in turn amplifies the warming of the climate.” This quote caught my eye and it made me think about how it makes the earth warmer. This essay is important because it’s telling the reader about Global Warming and the sun. I think the quote “I don’t know about you, but it tells me that maybe we should study a bit more before we spend billions to “solve” a problem we don’t understand so well,” is the thesis. “Scientist have known for centuries that sunspots affected the climate; they just never understood how,” is a quote that supports the thesis.

Blog 8: Body Image

“Teens focus more on how they look than on what they want to accomplish in life.” Kathiann Kowalski.

I chose this quote because it is true for teens. It has always been like this. Teens want to be
“perfect,” but they are focusing on looks instead of life. The thesis is that there is more than one body type, and everyone should accept their body the way it is. If you don’t like your body, then work out and stop eating junk food. “As long as you’re healthy and active, and your body is doing everything it’s supposed to do, there is nothing wrong with your body type.”- Brianna

Kowalski, Kathiann M. “Poor Body Image Leads to Anorexia.” Anorexia, edited by Karen F. Balkin, Greenhaven Press, 2005. At Issue. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 12 Oct. 2021. Originally published as “Body Image: How Do You See Yourself?” Current Health 2, vol. 29, Mar. 2003, pp. 6-11.

Blog 7: The Rescue

“Panic is death in the cave”- Hillary Butler. I chose this quote because It made me realize how dangerous and scary the job was. They were swimming in the pitch-black through tight spaces. That would be very hard and scary. It shows how the divers were really trying to save the kids. The thesis is, “It’s about our collective humanity, and what can happen when we all work together.”

Butler, Hillary. “TIFF 2021 Review: The Rescue – ‘It’s about Our Collective Humanity, and What Can Happen When We All Work Together.’” Live for Films, 2021,