
Aadi Hand Comp 2 Professor Steve Dalager Racism in the NFL               The NFL has a long history of racism throughout the league. The league makes it appear to the public eye that they care about racism, but do they care? The NFL cares about what makes them money. In 1921 there was 1 black […]

blog 19

hello friend. how are you doing? ive been doing pretty well. ive been working on lots of papers for school. i did a good job getting sources for my research paper about the NFL and racism. if i wouldve done it differently i wouldve put more material in my paper but i could talk endlessly […]

Blog 18

i learned about a few of the different research topics that my class mates are working on. the feedback from other peoples eyes was very helpful to see!

Blog 17

it took me some time to get my draft put together. i based it off the outline. im filling in the spaces between so far.

Blog 16

i plan to do a online survey. based on the actions of rules made in place to try and fight racial inequality; i will ask people how they feel about those rules in from there point of view.

Blog 15

i have found some interesting articles in regards to the rooney rule. also about brian flores is going to sue the nfl. i shifted from crypto to racism in the nfl because i could research it better. its frustrating funding the same info.

My Topic

Is the NFL is a borderline racist company? is the Rooney rule racist? I could conduct a survey based off of this topic and send it to anyone.

Blog 13

each religion can be connected to each other in some particular way. Christianity is unable to handle religious plurality. a lot of the religious missions throughout time are misunderstood. one of the current missions today from Christianity would be to try and spread its numbers around. “Christianity has never really had an adequate theology of […]

Blog 12

In order to have a bright future ,it is important that we get into renewable energy and more environmental friendly norms. we should do everything we can to take care of the planet. there are man options when trying to go green. it would help for the young people to learn more about this from […]

my Poll

response link embed script <iframe src=”” width=”800px” height=”600px”></iframe> most people have heard of crypto currency by now. I am surprised not many people have heard of Ethereum. I could make them not yes or no answers.